译文和反思报告 刘铱闻 董楠楠


Class:英语2003班                    Names:董楠楠 刘铱闻    

Reflective Report

Requirements: Complete a reflective report in terms of the differences between Chinese and English / the difficulties you met in the process of translation and how you solved them / the problems in your translation.


Your Translation:

Before falling ill, I became a bully in my house because of spoiled by my parents. I strongly felt like staying in the cold palace with deeply frustrated, once I was segregated and confined in a small house in the hill of the garden. On a spring nightfall with flowers were in full bloom, my parents held a feast, soon the guests gathered together with pleasure. Catfootedly lifting the curtain, I saw a kaleidoscopic world full of bustle in a small house of the hill. My brother, sister and cousins were bursting with happiness which also in this line. Suddenly, the feeling of sadness that discarded by others, abandoned by the world occupied by my heart, so that I can’t help myself crying.


Sentence 1


  1.  中文注重结果,把重点放在句末;而英文注重逻辑关系,重点放句首。"在家中横行霸道"为父母宠爱的结果,在翻译时应运用转序译法,放在“受父母宠爱”之前。

  2.  翻译过程中,对“得病以前”的时态翻译,成为恶霸(bully)的动词时态有疑问。最后我们选择了falling ill一般进行时作句子状语,和became及一般过去时。

3. 最终翻译存在的问题;fell ill而不是falling ill, had been而不是became,“受父母宠爱”采用的直译不够简洁(参考译文my doting parents)。

Sentence 2


  1.  中文有很多动词,“隔离”,“拘禁”,“顿感”,“打入”,“郁郁不得志”,我们要理清句子之间的逻辑关系,选定一个动词,确定句子的谓语成分。我们翻译时把“顿感打入冷宫”放重点,但其实这是怎样“郁郁不得志”的补充描写,因此我们在谓语的选择上有些问题。

  2.  我们在翻译成语时有些困难。“郁郁不得志”应该翻译为“I began to taste the bitterness of depression and frustration immediately”我们用了一个形容词“deeply frustrated”,不太恰当。

  3.  一些连词的选择不太恰当。我们用了“once”连接,完全是根据中文“一旦”,翻译太中式,没有从英语思维去思考。

Sentence 3


在翻译“春天的傍晚”时我们首先想到的是“nightfall”,文中使用的是“evening”,然后按照中文的语序,加上了“园中百花齐放,父母在园中设宴”;而英文的语序则需要调整,“百花齐放”是修饰文中的花园,在英语翻译中我们侧重于将重点放在前面,因此应该先说“my parents gave a banquet in the garden”再加上修饰花园的词 “where a profusion of flowers were in full bloom”。我们的错误在于按照中文的语序直接翻译成了英语,没有考虑句子之间的修饰。

Sentence 4


  1.  中文善于用短句一句中有多个动词,如本句中“掀起”,"窥见",英文善于用长句,分句与分句之间有逻辑。因此,在汉译英时,多用长句。本句是由介词短语,定语从句,非谓语动词组成的长句。

  2.  翻译过程中遇到的困难是如何最大程度地还原本意,体现在对细节的处理上。比如"悄悄",“窥见”,“穿插期间”,“喜气洋洋”等。最后我们采用“catfooted”,“saw”"in this line"直译," bursting in happiness"为意译。

  3.  最终的翻译存在词不达意等问题,而参考译文采用“without being noticed”,“only to”等,仅为一句就把各分句串联起来。

  4.  单词错误。我们知道“悄悄地”,要用副词,想当然地在“Catfooted”后面加了“ly”变成副词。

Sentence 5


  1.  中文中习惯用大量的定语来修饰,而在英语翻译中我们就要进行定语的处理甚至换序

  2.  我们在“一阵被人摈弃,为世所遗的悲愤” 的翻译中犹豫了很久,最终选择用定语从句的形式对“悲愤的感觉”进行解释。而“兜上心头”我们选择“占据我们的心”进行意思转换,最终选择用“occupy”一词。

  3.  最终的翻译译文中的“quickly enough” 比我们的“suddenly”更加贴切。译文通过and来连接句子会比我们翻译更加的通顺。我们译文直接以“I can't help myself crying ”结尾,而添上“my heart out”会更加符合英文表达,更加具体。